Image of toy package - three butterflies, with tubes of paint for decorating them.Well, yes, I did buy it only for the name. You would too if you had spotted it. Who could resist?

Colorized Scalewing of Flutter“. The beginning of a poem, I thought, even though I knew it wasn’t.

I collect things like this, for the joy of it. For the glimpse into the mind of a non-native speaker who refuses to let a little thing like total incomprehension stop him and wades in nonetheless to create confusion and hilarity. Who must use a thesaurus and the heights of ingenuity to get through each day.

And to whom we owe an immense debt.

Colorized Scalewing of Flutter.

Colorized Scalewing of Flutter.

Hang on to that phrase. Memorize it. It’s going to appreciate in value. You heard it here first.

“Oh, I’m so sorry – I won’t be able to attend. I’ve got Colorized Scalewing of Flutter.”

“Did you see what he did in the first movement? Vaguely reminiscent of Colorized Scalewing of Flutter, don’t you think?”

But believe it or not – it gets better. I bought the toy based on the front of the package. But when I got it home and looked at the instructions on the back, I realized I’d hit the jackpot. HELPFUL instructions!

Back of the box instructions for how to use the Colorized Scalewing of Flutter.

The first thing to keep in mind is that it’s a new product congregated with toy and DIY together.

This is important. Just use your both hands to portray and assemble it. Set free your polychrome dream in the play. I mean, what are you waiting for?

Here’s the Playing Method. (It’s important to get this right.)

After you unscrew the lid (there’s a diagram), smear the different colors on the wing of the scale wing. I like the word smear. It’s both beautiful and likable.

After you’ve got a small (oh, so sweet! small!) colorized scalewing all finished, HANG IT. The gout it will achieve will be so distinctive.

WE arrive then. (Who are WE? None of your business. Here we are.)

WE can make it into a pendant or hang it on a bag and YOU will feel very complacent.


I have to repeat this word because it seems important to do so.

I paid Rs 125 for this item and I feel every pesae was well spent and totally worth it.

It’s the distinctive gout element that did it.

Showing 4 comments
  • zephyr

    That had me rolling in laughter. But you can’t beat the toy I had bought for my granddaughter that proclaimed it to be ‘Incredibly pleasurable ghari’ — it was a horse drawn carriage that was gaily decorated and sang an indecipherable song as it clickety-clacketed along 🙂 Was there a mysterious invisible rider inside or did the horse sing? Never mind. :)) Obviously China made!

  • Kevin Ryan

    Excellent…it’s a toy AND haiku all at once…for the complacent price of Rs125… My gout is distinctive and my polychrome dream is in the play! We are scalewing smear and likeable!

  • Helen

    US activist blogger coming in to tell you to Check Your Privilege and stop oppressing people for not being native English speakers in 3… 2… 1…


    • Jo

      Helen, I love your response! I am chastened and well-told-off!

      However, I think the word “oppressing” is a bit of a stretch . . . I was just setting free my polychrome dream in the play. Have a heart. :)))

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