We are hiring!

Current Openings

Our staff is our pride and joy. We are committed to maintaining a workspace we all look forward to coming to in the morning, and being bright, respectful, supportive, creative and fun-loving colleagues. We like to think that our exceptional retention rate is because we’re getting it right. And getting the right people in – those who share our values, ethics and commitment – is important. Our children, families and donors invest in us emotionally and financially. We form bonds that extend far beyond the premises, as well as offer continual training opportunities to enable each other to grow. If this excites you, and you’d like to join us, do send us your cv and we’ll get back to you as soon as we have an opportunity! We particularly welcome disabled individuals, women and those from minority communities.

Director, Monitoring & Evaluation

Music Teacher (Volunteer)

Apply now!

Contact us

If any of the above vacancies interest you,
please email us at careers@latikaroy.org