Sharmi Guha, art therapist, and aunt of our trainee Sayan Choudhary conducted an art therapy workshop for a compact group of eight parents from our Center for Vocational Training (CVT) on April [...]
The ground-breaking for the Latika Roy Foundation’s new campus took place on March 17 in Niranjanpur, Dehradun. Set for completion in 2025, our fully accessible premises will be a green, [...]
When three closely-related things happen one right after another, I start looking for meaning. #1: My friend Anne Bruce told me I should read this book. The Dictionary of Lost Words, a [...]
Our friends –the ones who brighten our day, just because – are the family we choose, the siblings we never had. Friendships can be underrated but there’s a considerable amount of research to show [...]
Emily Ladau’s excellent book on disability is both a treat to read and a primer on all things disability. Ladau manages to be entertaining, informative and funny about a topic she naturally [...]
Allegra Garcia and Sarah Olson, senior undergraduates studying Global Health at Luther College, and Rebekah McAdam, a final year student at the Kansas School of Medicine, interned at the Latika [...]
It’s that time of year when children transition across centers at the Latika Roy Foundation (LRF). At the Early Intervention Center (EIC), we had 11 children move up to Karuna Vihar Special [...]
Amongst families with a disabled child, siblings are hidden wonder workers. They can soothe their brother or sister as no one else can. They “keep an eye on them” while Mom cooks [...]
Spotted this house on my way to work this morning. I’ve been watching it come up with interest because we once rented the place that used to be here. That one was torn down so the owners [...]
Last summer, we hired an accounts officer whom we had to let go even before his probation was up – no need to go into the reasons. Today, the HR person of another organization in the city [...]