Asian Green Beans

My sister Lucy is one of the best cooks I know. She cooks lavishly and with love and she usually has a funny story about each thing she makes. Here’s her recipe for and her story about the [...]

Wordless Love

Moy Moy used to talk. Most people who know her now have no memory of how she once was, but a devoted little group still does. We tell the stories often to keep the memory green. Moy Moy used to [...]

The Guest Is God

No matter how many toys and books we buy, children always out-fox us by preferring: 1. our company2. water3. mud4. pots and pans5. real, concrete tasks6. our company At least, that’s been [...]


You worry about a bird that doesn’t fly. I saw this little fellow perched on a potted plant in our garden yesterday and I thought – “let me just run inside and grab the [...]


What goes on in the mind of a child? Why is a swing so compelling, why does a mud puddle demand to be jumped in? What makes a a child kick a stone as she walks? And why-oh-why is a walky-talky so [...]

The Cup of Grace

I woke this morning feeling sad – you could almost say bereft. Swimming up through the waves of drowse and languid torpor, I couldn’t put my finger on the cause of the problem. I [...]

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