I’ve been so busy sending calendars out (hand-written notes on the hundreds of letters we send with them – my hand grows withered and shaky by the end of each year) I haven’t [...]
I’ve been making calendars since I was 15. My mother’s favorite design had stopped being produced (it had one big page for each month and the entire year in small boxes at the bottom [...]
Dehradun isn’t into Christmas all that much. Even the stores – usually the first to jump on a possible consumer bandwagon – haven’t latched on to this one. So our [...]
I like auspicious days. Not the kinds which the Pandit anoints with special powers, nor the ones when the Moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars. The ones I like gain their [...]
Great news! The Mama EIC has moved to a wonderful and spacious new building – still on the same road, but easier to access by public transport and so much BIGGER! At last we have space for [...]
I came home to the US to visit my Dad. There he is – in all his rakish charm. He looks more Irish every time I see him. The sparkling blue eyes, the bright white hair, the elfish smile. And he’s [...]
Sort of. That is, he came to the Doon Hospital and he participated in a formal event which included unveiling Foundation stones for three new units there. But he was too busy to climb the stairs [...]
Moy Moy has had a G-tube for years now. It allows her to eat without the worry of choking or aspirating and we are all so grateful for this sweet little piece of technology. But as sweet as it [...]
Well, yes, I did buy it only for the name. You would too if you had spotted it. Who could resist? “Colorized Scalewing of Flutter“. The beginning of a poem, I thought, even though I [...]