Anyone who knows the history of the Latika Roy Foundation knows about Paula. In those early, early days, when all we knew was that we wanted to start a school for Moy Moy, we went in search of [...]
A few weeks ago I attended my niece’s graduation at Tufts. Neha is a bright star in the firmament – one of the nicest people I know, as well as one who makes our generation feel [...]
April 29 was the hottest day Delhi has seen in 50 years: 43.5 Celsius (110 F!). Just our luck that that was the day we had chosen to fly out to the US. Except we didn’t fly out. Dad and [...]
Here’s another story from Karuna Vihar. Ganga Ram, our physiotherapist assistant has been on leave for the last few weeks as his wife has just delivered a child in their village in Nepal and he’s [...]
For the most part, we shouldn’t be surprised by children’s behaviour. They learn it from us. They watch us closely – not just when we think we are “teaching” them, [...]
Here are Raj Kumar and Harikala, holding their letters of acceptance to a six-month training course in Mumbai for Child Development Aides. What a thrill! We are all so proud of them and so [...]
A few days ago, I read this tiny news item in the Times of India: “Cafe Manager Kills Self“ A 23 year old man allegedly committed suicide on Tuesday morning by hanging himself from [...]
I first learned about the Apgar Score when I studied to become a midwife. (That was over 25 years ago and for my class project, I got pregnant with Anand and delivered him halfway through the [...]
This morning at breakfast, Dad told me about an incident from his childhood. He grew up in the Great Depression and his family was very poor. One day, it seemed every child in the neighborhood [...]
“It is by little and by little that we are saved.” That’s a line from Dorothy Day, my personal hero and our family saint. She believed in doing the work of God through one [...]