Children’s Day can be perfunctory (school-kids get a toffee and watch a cartoon in assembly) or educational (kids get to listen to a speech about Chacha Nehru) or, if their school is really creative – it’s a chance for teachers [...]
Mindfulness haunts us these days. We can’t stop thinking about Moy Moy. Often, we think so much we forget that she is gone. Yesterday, Ravi and I were about to go for our morning walk. He said “Let’s go quickly so we can get [...]
Moy Moy died one month ago today and I have not been able to write anything about her beyond the odd notes to close friends. What has happened feels so large, so heavy and so overwhelming I don’t know how to approach it. Wherever I go, [...]
Avinash Pasricha and I go way back. In 1982, when Ravi and I were living in Delhi, I wrote occasionally for Span Magazine, the PR organ of the US government in India. My first article was on cooking American food in an Indian kitchen. The [...]
In India, autism is still widely misunderstood and, outside of the large cities, often undiagnosed. This article is the first in a bimonthly series that will address early child development.
Report in the Lancet shows that children across the globe will hit the same milestones, as long as basic needs are met Indian children cool off on a hot day in Delhi. Photograph: Money Sharma/EPA Healthy children develop in remarkably similar [...]
Burstability just sounds exciting. Does it mean something packed so tight it could pop at any moment (like a balloon)? Or is burstability being so filled with ideas and magic that one cannot be contained? It turns out burstability is a technical [...]