
My family is big on the Chris names. We have Aunt Chris, Christopher and Chrissie (my older sister), and if Lucy had been a boy, she would have been named Christian! Chrissie has played with her [...]

Our Emerald

Mary seems to defy nature – she grows more beautiful every time I see her. At Mom’s funeral, her eyes shone with tears and with love and all of us felt so lucky that she had been [...]


My friend Imrana called from Delhi to say how sorry she was about Mom. During the conversation, she asked me to put a flower on her grave from her. I told her we weren’t doing flowers. That [...]

The Funeral

What a final thing the funeral is. We can no longer avoid the stark reality of death, the glaring fact that the person who was once our life, our sweetness and our hope, is no longer among us. [...]

The Wake

Wakes are hard. There is the person you love so much, lying in a coffin, and here is this whole line of people filing by solemnly, tears in their eyes, groping for the right words to say, wishing [...]

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