Media Mentions




As a culture, we don’t do well with death. Maybe we can bring up our children with different examples of how to cope with death than the ones we were given by our parents.

The Wire, February 16, 2019

All children – including disabled children – need to be outdoors. For children to develop well and to achieve their full potential, unstructured play and outdoors is a critical ingredient. The good news is that what’s good for the children is just as good for their parents.

The Wire, January 31, 2019

The understanding that everyone has a part to play and that there are no free rides in life will stand children in good stead as they grow up.

The Wire, January 12, 2019

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A sexual assault case on a disabled girl taught us the importance of knowing the law, being proactive, protecting the survivor, demanding a copy of a valid FIR, and filing for compensation.

The Wire, July 12, 2016

The greatest barrier to inclusion of children with disabilities is the wrong attitude on the part of individuals. Making sure the right to education extends to every single child in India is the responsibility of each citizen.

The Wire, March 11, 2016

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