Thirteen Ways of Looking at Donald Trump
Among that dismal array of Republicans,
The only one connecting
Is a blowhard businessman.
I was of three minds,
Like a ballot
On which there are three unacceptable candidates.
The Trump card whirled in the primary winds.
It is a hot-air inflated part of a high stakes poker game.
An angry white man and a frightened white man
Are one.
Anger and fear and Donald Trump
Are one.
I do not know which to fear more,
The promise of terror
Or the terror of promises,
The candidate posturing
Or just after.
Fear of the other fills the long campaign
With assaults and showdowns.
The ignorance of the candidate
Crosses lines, right and left.
The lies
Spouted daily
Pollute the atmosphere.
O greedy, anxious voters,
Why do you imagine golden birds?
Do you not see how how Donald Trump’s wealth
Will always and forever
Belong only to him?
I know noble truths
And lucid, inescapable rhythms;
A Constitution written by white slave-holders,
A Bill of Rights by men who
denied women and children theirs.
If Donald Trump wins the election,
It will mark the edge
Of any one of nine circles.
At the sight of Trump Towers
Built on slum rents and pimp profit,
Even the Founding Fathers
Would cry out sharply.
He rides over people with disability
In a glass coach.
Once, a fear pierced him,
In that he mistook
The shadow of his vehicle
For a wheelchair.
The delegate count moved steadily upwards.
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
It has been evening all afternoon.
It is snowing in July
And a frozen Hell is possible.
Donald Trump is sitting
Beside that rough beast.
Its hour has come round at last.
Astonishingly brilliant!
Yes Ravi. Astonishingly brilliant. Like Jo
The only thing I am sure of is that Hillary Clinton scares the hell out of me – Donald Trump has raised a wonderful family and has a successful business – with it’s ups and downs, and it has been a very rough campaign with paid crowds of mostly thugs at his rallies, not at everyone’s rallies – so with the Republican party not being able to put up a single candidate that the people wanted it – he won the nomination fair and square – get over it – it can’t get any worse than the last ten years of failed everything –
Failed everything? I’m wondering what you are referring to?
President Obama saw the country through the Great Recession, got us out of Iraq, pushed through health care reform so that most people can now afford insurance, and is moving creatively and effectively to address climate change. On his watch, we saw the Marriage Equality Act pass and discrimination against gays in the military made illegal. The economy has never been stronger.
If raising a great family is your litmus test, Barack Obama has done a remarkable job and so has Hillary Clinton. Chelsea seems to be a balanced and delightful young woman in spite of a philandering father (just like Mr Trump).
Maybe you should think about the wisdom of “getting over it” and take a closer look at the human being you are thinking of supporting. Mr Trump is a nasty man. He’s a bully and he enjoys humiliating people. He is not a unifier and he has no leadership (in the true sense) qualities. I cannot understand why any sensible, kind person (you seem to be both) would vote for him, much less want him to be President.