
April 29 was the hottest day Delhi has seen in 50 years: 43.5 Celsius (110 F!). Just our luck that that was the day we had chosen to fly out to the US.   Except we didn’t fly out.   Dad and [...]


Dad is such a funny man, such a delight to have in our home. This morning, I served the first watermelon of the season. It was bright red and very sweet and we both loved it. I always swallow the [...]

More Christmas

Most babies find Santa terrifying. White hair and beard, funny hat, over-friendly: what’s a baby to do? Most burst into tears and howl to be rescued. Not little Angel. Nirmala’s baby [...]


  I love Christmas, especially in India where it is still possible to approach it with simplicity and stillness. We do a lot of baking and invite close friends over for meals. We play carols all [...]

Mail From Home

Dad was once a champion letter writer. He could churn them out by the dozen, and he never forgot a birthday or an anniversary. When we were in college, he would often send us little notes, with a [...]

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