
I returned home on Wednesday and on Sunday we had our Foundation’s Executive Committee meeting – a big push for someone like me, who loves to luxuriate in jet lag for at least a week (I really don’t understand people who manage to leap right back into their work routines after a trip abroad – I find the swoop of jetlag sleep impossible to resist!). Anyway, we managed to pull it off, thanks mainly to the hard work of our staff (Sumita, Vandana and Ashish in particular). Here’s the office, just before the meeting.


And here’s the Committee: Joshiji, our president (who tried to resign this term but was shouted down by the assembled), Vina, who arrived back in town only the night before but who managed to fit it into her busy schedule, Tara, who came all the way from Jaipur just to attend, Deepa, who traveled from Simla on an ordinary bus, and Ravi who sat in for Sudhir who wasn’t able to make it this time.

Vikram and Subhash cooked us a fabulous lunch and for once there’s even a picture of me attending!


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